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About the group

John started Agility in 2001 and was in competition 8 months later. His JR Half Pint Spike C.A.P gained his UKA Champion of Agility Performance title, was BAA Micro Dog of the Year 3 times and competed in the 4 Nations. He designed courses and judged for both UKA and BAA at all levels. Whilst he'd enjoyed success 2 things irritated him: The dubious quality of some training and the high cost. He started the training group in 2006.

Update: This year 23 didn't start well for me with a leg out of action. It didn't hurt that much but the bandages that prevented me getting boots on was a severe pain in the neck! I faced the probability of having to close the group after 17 years. This would have been a sad day but It didn't happen and we now have 4 trainers who share the spirit on which the group was based: Not for profit, Agility presented by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. So, whilst the year didn't start well for me it certainly did for the group. It's buzzing!

The group is not run for profit. Those who train with us contribute to the running costs. This is currently £5 per training session but the first 2 are free! 

Our training venue is just over 2 miles North of Worcester City Center. We have 1/2 acre of very well maintained grass which is fenced and there is ample parking on hard standing.

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